5 Easy Hurricane Preparation Tips You Can do in and Around Your Home Before a Hurricane.


We are currently at the peak of the Hurricane season and with the devastation caused by hurricanes such as; Don, Harvey and most recently Irma. It is vital that we prepare ourselves so as to prevent and minimize damages with may occur in the event of a hurricane.

Below are 10 easy hurricane preparation tips you can do in around your home to prevent and minimize damages in case of a hurricane:

  1. Check the roof of your house, hurricane shutters, hooks and latches thoroughly, repair where necessary. Make sure that galvanized sheeting on the roof of your house is properly fastened.
  2. Ensure you have emergency equipment in your home. These include safety footwear, water boots, raincoats, flashlights, batteries, portable radio, kerosene lamps or candles and matches. Also be sure to have the basic first-aid equipment.
  3. Keep handy a supply of lumber, plywood, timber, etc. for securing your windows and doors
  4. Trim trees that are close to power lines or hang over the house and other buildings.
  5. Stock up on non-perishable food items, such as canned foods. Place emergency food supply in a waterproof container and store in a closed box or cupboard Place emergency food supply in a waterproof container.
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